Sunday, August 31, 2008

ramadhan : )

its ramadhan people!the month of fasting, ayam percik and cendol : P for those whose been living in jakarta this whole month,good luck with the tempe!haha. ramadhan...i remember back then,when i was very very young, too young to fast : P i used to do that puasa "yang-yok"a.k.a cheating, huhu. peanut butter in the fridge, one deliciously-cold-thirst-quenching carton of milk, drinking tap water after p.e...yes,been there,done that . a part of sweet memories from my joyful, stress-free childhood life : ) wish i can turn the time back around..well, now i'm a big boy, with responsibilities , and yes, i do a full month of fasting nowadays : P no more yang-yoks,huhu.

yesterday, i went to penang with my family. having some fun, good food (credits to ahmediyya ; ) ) and disturbance (lala knows,haha). we were having lunch by the beach, when suddenly out of nowhere a group of rempits having their merdeka day tour-de'-penang ( i guess..) and sat just beside us. Sitting there would be no problem, as this is a free-nation, but behaving like jerks, talking rubbish to passerby , and calling the tourists with improper names is such a disgraceful act.Well, guess who are they?they're the malay youths. I'm not treasoning or whatever you call it, it's just i'm totally ashamed of having such brothers and sisters with their uncivilized acts, and spreading the shame all over our faces, like the malay said " cubit peha kanan,terasa peha kiri". hoping as they grow up, such things will change...(not being racist btw ; ) ) happy ramadhan!may it cleanse our soul from evil and darkness that surrounds us,amin


boey said...

rajinnya tulis blog..

Anonymous said...

if buhsan view la mine..