Thursday, August 28, 2008

Failure...bittersweet of life

I just got this err..disturbing news from jakarta. i've successfully failed my pharmacology and parasitology, which is the 1st ever. well,congratulations to me : ) thank god im off for holiday..well,every single problem,has their own solution. what can i do to solve this horryfying-disastrous-self-choking problem regarding my academic downfall from going into deepshit?well...determination?i think i have to start all over again,from the beginning..

What's the main reason mara sent me all the way to jakarta,leaving my families,loved ones,bestfriends,my 3 seroja housemates : P why?simple. Because they want me to become a medical doctor. Intention,that's the main root of this problem..i went there, spending my money on food,hang-outs,cinemas,and not on books : P now that's one ugly attitude of mine,huhu. But what's the use of buying books,if you dont really use them? a point on that.but seriously,i have to change..before things got worst...wish me luck people : )

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