Monday, January 5, 2009

the siege~

it's the 10th day since the Israelis army commenced their air attack on the Palestinians.Hundreds of innocent lives were claimed every single day,childrens whom parents were killed,losing their hope of surviving.Muslims, stayed silent, even in this darkest hours of "modern colonialization", selfishly ignoring the responsibility to defend the palestine's historic and holy land,from the blood-thirst zionist.

The newly elected Barrack Obama,the so called "man-of-the-year", suddenly lost his voice, and pretended that he's not "eligible" to speak out while George Bush is still occupying the oval office,continuing on his agenda of "fight against terrorism",which is totally irrelevant~other than his "victory"of sending the previous Iraq president, Saddam Hussein to the gallows,which i think,more to a "personal war" rather than the highly-proclaimed search for the mass-destruction-weapon, which end up bluntly~well done Bush jr.~

How can we all keep on living in this world while others we're killed and slaughtered every single day?The Gaza strip is being ravaged,day by day,by missiles and heavily-armoured tanks,while the civilians only equipped with tiny stones and blazing determination to protect the Al-Aqsa Mosque,which is the 1st kiblat for the muslims.How funny it is to see the fact that the arabic countries that surrounds Israel,having the advantage in manpower,just critisizing the attacks without bold actions,selfishly blinded their eyes from probably the greatest massacre in the history of humanity

Action speaks louder than words,but words are better than doing nothing~

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